Savings Opportunities Overview


Savings Opportunities Overview

The savings opportunities overview shows you recommendations to reduce your cloud spend, including your current average cloud resource costs and potential savings if you act on the recommendations.

For more information about savings opportunities, including terminology and the types of recommendations Kion makes, see What is a Savings Opportunity?

To adjust which opportunity checks you would like to run regularly, navigate to System Settings > Application Settings > Savings Opportunities. For more information, see Savings Opportunities Settings.

Filtering and Exporting

You can filter the information on this page by entering a keyword or by using the dropdown menus to select a cloud provider, service, and/or project. Select Include Dismissed to include savings opportunities that have already been dismissed. Filters remain active when moving between savings opportunity pages.

Click the download button to export the current view as a .csv. The export takes into account any filters you have in place, only including the information you choose.


Savings Opportunities Summary

The Cost chart compares the following:

  • The Average Cost for all scanned resources in your cloud environment. This is calculated by averaging the monthly spend across cloud providers for the last three months. You can hover over the information icon mceclip0.png to learn which months were used in this calculation.
  • The Potential Cost for all scanned resources should you appropriately apply all of the recommendations.

The Savings chart shows the following:

  • The Potential Savings you would save by appropriately applying all of the recommendations.
  • A breakdown of the potential savings by savings opportunity type. Click on Decommissioning Opportunities or Rightsizing Opportunities to view metrics and details for that savings opportunity type.

Recent Opportunity Checks

The Recent Opportunity Checks section lists all of the recent checks with savings opportunities that haven't yet been applied. This section includes the quantity of resources affected, the opportunity check name, the current cost for all affected resources, and the potential savings if you apply the appropriate recommendation to all affected resources.

Dismissed opportunities are shown with a gray background if you select to Include Dismissed opportunities from the filter bar.

Clicking on an opportunity check in the list brings you to the opportunity check's details page.

Opportunity Check Details Page

Click any savings opportunity check in the Recent Opportunity Checks list to see the opportunity check details page. This page shows similar cost and savings charts to the savings opportunities overview, but limits the results to the cost/savings for this opportunity check alone. The savings information is the projected amount you would save by appropriately applying this recommendation to all listed resources.

This Opportunities list includes each individual resource that is recommended for this savings opportunity check.

An ellipsis menu appears on the right if you hover over a resource. This menu gives you the options to: 

  • View details. View details and cost/savings information about the selected resource, share a link to the resource's details page, or log in to the account containing the resource.
  • Cloud access. If you have sufficient permissions, log in to the account containing the resource.
  • Terminate resource. Permanently terminate the resource. This makes it easy to decommission a resource that is not being utilized. Use this option with caution, as terminating the wrong resources can disrupt services in your environment. This option only displays if it is enabled in System Settings > Application Settings > Savings Opportunities.
  • Mark as applied. Mark the savings opportunity as applied. Choose this option if you log into the account and apply the recommended change manually.
  • Dismiss. Mark the savings opportunity as dismissed, which indicates you do not wish to act on the recommendation at this time. Dismissed opportunities can be reviewed later by using the Include Dismissed option in the filter bar.