Savings Opportunities Settings


Savings Opportunities Settings

Settings > System Settings > Application Settings > Savings Opportunities

Configure the savings opportunity settings for your whole organization, including turning savings opportunity checks on and off.

Since these configurations change the user interface for all users in your organization, these settings can only be changed by users with the Global Manage Kion System Settings permission.

Allow users to stop or terminate resources from within Kion

Allow users with the appropriate permissions to temporarily stop or permanently terminate a resource from within Kion. This makes it easy to decommission a resource that is not being utilized. Use this option with caution. Terminating the wrong resources can disrupt services in your production environment. For more information about setting permissions for this, see the Address section of the Permission Levels article.

POST Token Life

Customize the POST token life for savings opportunities webhooks. This sets the amount of time allowed to execute your Cloud Custodian opportunity checks policies.

If you have opportunity checks that take longer than an hour to run, a token set to one hour would expire before the scan completes, and the results wouldn't successfully POST within the API. To ensure these long-running scans are successful, you can increase the POST token life to a maximum value of four hours.

The default value for the savings opportunity token life is one hour, which is sufficient for most setups and follows best practices by limiting the token life.

Opportunity Checks

You will only see savings opportunity checks for cloud providers you have enabled. To enable cloud providers, see Cloud Provider Settings.

Once an opportunity check is enabled, Kion scans your cloud environments every 12 hours for resources that meet that opportunity check's criteria.

For more information about rightsizing, decommissioning, and savings opportunity checks, see What is a Savings Opportunity?