Financial Settings


Financial Settings

Settings > System Settings > Application Settings > Financial Settings

Financial Restrictions

The options available under Financial Restrictions depend on whether you are using budgets or spend plans.


With budgets, allocations are optional. Allocations offer a high level of restriction and control over your funds.

When allocations mode is on:

  • Funding sources and allocations are required.
  • Funding sources must be placed at the top of the organization.
  • All budgets must be associated with at least one funding source.

When allocations mode is off:

  • Associating a budget with a funding source is optional.
  • Funding sources can be used by all projects in the organization or limited to only be used by specific OUs.
  • Funding sources are optional. You can attribute funds to budgets instead of drawing funds from funding sources.

For more information, see Allocations Mode.

Enforce Budgets

When budgets are enforced, all projects must have a budget. When they are not enforced, projects can still have budgets, but they are optional.

Enforce Funding Sources

When enforce funding sources is on, all budgets must be associated to a funding source.

Enforcing funding sources can be useful if you don't want to use allocations, but still want to use funding sources or attribute spend to a specific “bucket of money.”

ClosedSpend Plan Restrictions (Legacy)

Default Spend Settings

Default Spend Data Type

Set a default spend type. The selected data type will be shown anywhere spend is shown in the application. If a billing source doesn't support the selected data type, Billed will be shown instead.

ClosedAWS Cost Explorer equivalents

  • Billed + Deduct Credits + Deduct Refunds and Discounts = Unblended
  • Amortized Attributed + Deduct Refunds and Discounts = Net amortized costs
  • Amortized Attributed = Amortized costs
  • Amortized Not attributed = Not available in AWS
  • List = Not available in AWS


The billed (invoiced) amount is shown for each funding source. Commitment charges are shown at the funding source level.

This view is useful if you want to see spend represented the same way that you see it on your financial invoice.

This is the only spend data type that was available in Kion before the 3.8.0 release.

Amortized - Attributed (AWS Only)

With amortized billing, upfront costs for the resources you purchased are distributed across the term of the plan (the commitment period). In most cases, this is on a recurring monthly basis. This attributed view provides vertical financial data through your organization chart by attributing spend to accounts linked to the billing source based on their effective resource consumption.

This view is useful if:

  • You do not want to see a cost spike on the first of the month.
  • You have set up budgets at the project level.

Amortized - Not Attributed (AWS Only)

With amortized billing, upfront costs for the resources you purchased are distributed across the term of the plan (the commitment period). In most cases, this is on a recurring monthly basis. This unattributed view provides horizontal financial data across your organization chart, showing spend at the parent, billing account where the resources were purchased, not on the linked accounts.

This view is useful if:

  • You do not want to see a cost spike on the first of the month.
  • You have not set up project level budgets, or you track spend at the top-level OU or funding source level instead.


The on-demand list prices for resources are shown. This does not reflect any discounts or price variances.

This view is useful if:

  • You have your own customers using Kion.
  • You want to reduce end-user visibility into the discounts your organization receives.

Switching between spend data types may trigger financial enforcements as the data is adjusted. If this is the case, you will be alerted before the setting configuration is saved.

Credits, Refunds, and Discounts

Select whether you would like to show credits, refunds, and discounts as deducted by default.

  • Deduct Credits (Billed and List only). Credits are adjustments that are applied to your account to cover eligible service costs. This can include promotional, purchased, and other granted credits.

    Prior to version 3.8.0, credits were only deducted from funding source spend. Now, historical spend will show with either credits deducted or not deducted for all items throughout the app based on your selection here.

  • Deduct Refunds and Discounts. Refunds can occur when a billing report is updated after finalizing your bill for the previous month. Discounts include reductions to your rate that are applied during a given billing period. Some discount examples are reservation discounts, committed use discounts, and savings plan discounts.

    When using Amortized spend data types, only discounts are reflected. Refunds and credits are not.

Reprocess Historical Spend Data

When switching between spend data types, your historical spend will need to be reprocessed to show the new data type. You will also be asked to reprocess your data when first upgrading to version 3.8.0+. If you do not reprocess your historical data, it will continue showing the previous data type. This can lead to mixed reporting, so we recommend reprocessing at your earliest convenience when switching spend data types.

In order to reprocess historical data, you must have historical financial reports in the storage location your billing source is configured to pull from and that data must be in the correct format. If data for a selected month is missing or unreadable, that month will be skipped and we will move on to the next. To identify which financial reports Kion has access to, see Troubleshooting Processing Financial Data.

During reprocessing, some financial features may not be available. If this is the case, a banner will be displayed in Kion for users with financial permissions. Additionally, some financial data may shift. For users with financial permissions, an in-app notification will be sent when data reprocessing is finished.

Reprocessing historical spend data impacts reported spend shown throughout Kion. This may trigger financial enforcements as the data is adjusted. If this is the case, you will be alerted before the process begins.

Default Spending Time frames

Set the default aggregate spend and project spend time frames to show throughout the application. These settings apply to the organization chart, OU cards, OU details, project cards, and project details. If this setting is also configured in a user's My User Settings, their configuration takes precedence.

Forecasting and Estimates

Forecasting generates an estimate of your future spending based on your current spending. It uses a linear projection that is based on this month's spending and trend data from previous months.

When enabled, estimates can be seen on project and OU spend overviews, spend reports, and spend graphs.

Financial System Settings

Migrating from Spend Plans to Budgets

When users switch back to spend plans all budgets and thresholds will be lost. All enforcements created that are associated w/ budgets and thresholds will be lost.