Common AWS Issues


Common AWS Issues

Why did my AWS CloudFormation template rollback?

Look over the values you entered into the AWS CloudFormation wizard - ensure the following:

  • "Instance Type" is a valid EC2 instance type for your VPC.
  • "Image ID" is an image that exists and that you have access to.
  • "Additional Security Group" 1, 2, and 3 are all security groups that exist in the VPC you selected.
  • "Node Subnets" are subnets in the VPC you selected.
  • "User Facing Subnets" are subnets in the VPC you selected.
  • "User Facing Load Balancer Scheme" is a load balancer type that is supported in your VPC - if you don't have an internet gateway, you must select: internal.
  • "DB Security Group" is a security group that is in the VPC you selected.

The AWS CloudFormation template completed successfully, but I can't access the application via my web browser.

Ensure the IP you entered into the "Allow Access From CIDR" field matches your IP. You usually have at least 2 IP addresses - your private IP and your public IP. If you are trying to access a public load balancer using your private IP, it will not work.

I can't access the application and my IP is correct.

Make sure your VPC is set up properly. A good test is to launch an EC2 instance and ensure you can login from a public subnet. If you cannot, then you need to either fix your route table for your subnet or update the NACLs on your VPC.

When I navigate to the application in my web browser, I see only a blank screen.

Make sure you are accessing the application based on the URL value in the outputs tab of the AWS CloudFormation template that you used to install the application. The application will not work properly if you try to access via an IP address or by another domain name.

Availability Zone Failure

To determine if you have an Available Zone failure in your AWS account:

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at
  2. From the navigation bar, select the region where you installed the application.
  3. Under the Service Health section, locate the Availability Zone Status.
  4. The status for each availability zone is listed.

Instance Failure

To determine if you have a failed EC2 instance in your AWS account:

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at
  2. From the navigation bar, select the region where you installed the application.
  3. In the left navigation menu, select Instances.
  4. Find all the EC2 instances with the name cloudtamer-node.
  5. Ensure the Instance State for each is running.
  6. Ensure the Status Checks for each is 2/2 checks passed.
  7. Ensure the Alarm Status for each is None.

If any of these are in an error state, simply terminate the EC2 instance and a new one will be automatically created in its place. If you only have one node, there will be a short delay where the application will not be accessible.

Application Failure

To determine if you have an application fault:

Open your web browser to the URL field on the Output tab of the AWS CloudFormation template that you used to install the application.

  • If you can view the application and there are no errors at the bottom left corner of the screen, then the application is functioning normally.
  • If the application does not display, please submit an issue through our Support Center.

Storage Capacity

The application stores data in one location: the database.

To determine how much free space is left in your database:

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at
  2. From the navigation bar, select the region where you installed the application.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click Databases.
  4. Click on the database used for the application.
  5. Click on the Monitoring tab.
  6. The Free Storage Space graph shows how much storage space you have remaining.

Your space used is based on how heavily you use the application as well as how large your financial reports are.

To determine how much free space is left on an EC2 instance:

  1. Open the Amazon Systems Manager Session Manager at
  2. From the navigation bar, select the region where you installed the application.
  3. Click Start Session .
  4. Click on the EC2 instance with the name cloudtamer-node.
  5. Click Start Session. This will take you to an SSH prompt.
  6. Type in the command: df -h.
  7. The Avail column shows your remaining free space.

Currently, there is no way to change the EBS volume size from the AWS CloudFormation. If you have the need for a larger EC2 volume size, please submit a ticket through our Support Center.