Attach an Account in the Account Cache to a Project
When adding accounts to Kion, you can add them to a project or the account cache. Adding accounts to the Account Cache is useful if you want to preload your accounts and attach them to projects later on. However, to access accounts through Kion, they must be attached to a project.
For information about attaching accounts to projects while adding or creating accounts, see Add an Account.
In order to add an account to a project, you must have the Project Manage Accounts permission.
To attach an account in the account cache to a project:
- Navigate to Accounts > All Accounts.
- Select the Cache tab.
- Click the ellipsis menu next to the account you want to attach to a project.
- Select Attach to project.
- Select the project you want to attach the account to.
- Select a start date. This is the date the account will become accessible from the project.
- Click OK.