Using Offline OpenAPI Swagger Documentation


Swagger/OpenAPI Documentation

You can use the offline OpenAPI documentation to learn the capabilities of our public API without having access to the Kion application. While you need authorization to add or update content in Kion, you can use this guide to check out our API endpoints and learn what functionality our API offers.

For more information on how to use the API once you have access to Kion, see Getting Started with the Kion Public API.

To access our API specification offline:

  1. Go to https://YOUR-CLOUDTAMER-URL/swagger/redoc.
  2. Click the Download button next to Download OpenAPI Specification to get the offline swagger.json file.
    You can also get the most recent spec from the attachments at the bottom of every release notes article as a file called cloudtamer-swagger-RELEASE-NUMBER.json. You can find the release notes here: Kion Release Notes.
  3. Go to
  4. Click File > Import File.
  5. Select the Swagger spec file you downloaded. This opens our OpenAPI documentation in the editor.