Edit a Permission Scheme


Edit a Permission Scheme

Out of the box, we provide you with four default permission schemes. In most cases, you can edit these four schemes to cover all of your permission assignment needs.

  • Global Permissions. Permissions that apply to the entire Kion application.
  • OU Permissions. Permissions that can be applied to OUs.
  • Project Permissions. Permissions that can be applied to Projects.
  • Funding Source Permissions. Permissions that can be applied to Funding Sources.

By editing a permission scheme, you can change the permissions granted to permission roles.

To edit a permission scheme:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Permissions.
  2. Click the ellipsis menu next to the permission scheme you want to edit, and select Edit.
  3. Next to each permission available in this scheme, select any roles you would like to grant that permission. You can also remove roles this way.
  4. Click Update Permission Scheme.

This change will take place immediately and be visible to users within a few seconds. Any affected users do not need to log out. If a role is no longer associated with any permissions in the permission scheme, it will no longer display when you try to map users to the roles.