Some of our commonly used acronyms are below:
AMI - Amazon Machine Image. A snapshot in time of a specific computer configuration that allows you to quickly replicate systems.
API - Application Programming Interface. An interface for programmers to access, create, and configure applications.
AWS - Amazon Web Services. A cloud computing services provider.
CFT - AWS CloudFormation Template. The framework for building out your organization's structure in AWS.
CI/CD - Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment. An automated process for testing and deploying code.
CP - Cloud Provider.: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure.
CSV - Comma Separated Values. A delimited text file that uses commas to separate value - the simplest possible form of a spreadsheet or database.
EULA - End User License Agreement. A legal contract between a provider and a user.
IAM - Identity and Access Management. Within AWS, a service that enables fine tuned controls of access to cloud resources.
IDMS - Identity Management System. An external system that integrates with Kion to provide user and group information.
MFA - Multi-factor Authentication. Security measure that creates an additional layer of security on top of a username and password.
OU - Organizational Unit. A construct used in Kion to organize projects and groups in order to create a hierarchy.
RDS - Relational Database Service. Amazon's service for providing pre-configured databases.
SAML - Security Assertion Markup Language. A Microsoft single sign-on protocol supported by Kion IDMS.
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. The protocol for sending email. SMTP servers can be configured within Kion.
SSL/TLS - Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security. Security protocols for establishing encrypted links between systems.