Managing Action Plans


Managing Action Plans

Action plans can be used to automate cloud tasks via labels. Once the action plan is enabled, it will automatically perform actions based on the configured criteria. There are two approaches to performing actions with action plans:

  • Apply the associated actions to resources that do have the label.
  • Apply the associated actions to resources that do not have the label.

For information on creating labels before getting started with action plans, see What is a Label?

Action Plan States

Deleted Actions

If an action on an action plan is deleted, remaining valid actions will still be performed. However, if the modification results in any invalid criteria, the action plan will be suspended instead and won't perform any actions, regardless of their validity.


If an action plan is no longer able to function, it becomes suspended. When an action plan is suspended, its associated actions will no longer be applied to current or future resources. Typically, a suspended action plan can be reactivated by editing it.

An action plan will become suspended if:

  • It has invalid criteria (e.g. a component of the criteria, such as the label, was deleted).
  • All associated cloud rules or actions have been deleted.

Editing Action Plans

If an action plan is modified, the changes will be automatically pushed to applicable resources.

If the criteria changes (e.g. a different label is selected), actions the plan had performed on resources that no longer match the criteria will be rolled back. For example, cloud rules applied by the action plan will be removed.

If the action changes, previous actions will be rolled back. For example, if the plan now applies Cloud-Rule-A instead of Cloud-Rule-B, Cloud-Rule-B will be removed from resources and Cloud-Rule-A will be applied instead.

  1. Navigate to Cloud Management > Action Plans.
  2. Click the ellipsis menu next to the action plan you want to edit, and select Edit.

Updates to the plan are immediately pushed to applicable resources.

Cloning Action Plans

  1. Navigate to Cloud Management > Action Plans.
  2. Click the ellipsis menu next to the action plan, and select Clone.
  3. The new action plan will have the same configurations as the action plan it was cloned from. You can now edit it to refine its function.
  4. Click Clone.

Enabling/Disabling Action Plans

When creating an action plan, you select whether the action plan should be enabled upon creation or if it will be enabled manually at a later time. Action plans can also be manually enabled/disabled at any time, however, keep in mind that this may have far reaching effects across you environment.

  1. Navigate to Cloud Management > Action Plans.
  2. Click the ellipsis menu next to the action plan, and select Enable/Disable.

If an action is enabled, it will begin applying cloud rules to resources automatically.

If an action plan is disabled, any cloud rules previously distributed by it are removed from resources.

Deleting Action Plans

  1. Navigate to Cloud Management > Action Plans.
  2. Click the ellipsis menu next to the action plan, and select Delete.

If an action plan is deleted, any cloud rules previously distributed by it are removed from resources.