Troubleshooting Reserved Instances
If there are no Reserved Instances displayed under Cloud Resources > Reserved Instances, check to verify the feature is enabled.
Navigate to Settings > System Settings > Reserved Instances.
The Allow Kion to display reserved instance information toggle should be in the ON position.
Allow up to 24 hours for the Reserved Instances to be identified and updated in the platform, if this feature is newly enabled.
Resolving Empty Reserved Instance List
If this feature has been enabled for more than 24 hours and you still see one or more of the following issues, you may need to add an allowed action to the service role.
The Reserved Instances screen under both Cloud Resources and Account screens will show “No Results Found”.
The following error may be seen in the WebAPI logs:
"msg":"RI Sync: Error retrieving all RI utilization for Payer ID: x, Payer Name: AWS Billing, Billing Region: us-east-1. Skipping payer. Error: AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:sts::1234567890:assumed-role/cloudtamer-service-role/ct-api is not authorized to perform: ce:GetReservationUtilization on resource: arn:aws:ce:us-east-1:1234567890:/GetReservationUtilization because no identity-based policy allows the ce:GetReservationUtilization action\n\tstatus code: 400
To resolve the issue:
Log in to your AWS management account.
Navigate to Services > AWS CloudFormation.
Click on the cloudtamer-service-role stack and select Update.
Add the ce:GetReservationUtilization as an allowed action on the cloudtamer-service-role role.
An example of what this updated policy should look like is below.
{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ce:GetReservationUtilization" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:<region>:<account-id>:reserved-instances/*" }
This policy grants permission to the ce:GetReservationUtilization action, for all reserved instances in the specified region and account. Be sure the <region> and <account-id> values match your AWS resources.
Allow up to 24 hours for the platform to implement this change, identify and display available Reserved Instances.
For more information about the Reserved Instances, see AWS Reserved Instances.